Witte, De

Is it true that Tist
had a stroke in the field?

Yes, Munte was there.
It quite upset me.
Tist wasn't a bad lad.

He was a good lad,
always worked hard.

You can't work hard enough for Coene.
Tist couldn't keep up.

He just collapsed.
Lads are going to the factory again.
Sooi van Penneke Pastoor
and Gust van Torrekens.

I thought...
- You can forget about the town.

Did farmer Coene say anything
about your wages?

One thousand francs
in half-a-cent coins.

Aren't the potatoes ready yet?
I don't want any. I'm not hungry.
That's the first time Whitey has said
he's not hungry.

So eat before you get hungry.
- I'm not hungry.

I've had stomach ache all day.
It's from working, I think.
Come here. Where are you?
If I catch you... Little bastard.

Stop, stop, stop.
