Once evening had fallen,
the landowner said to his steward:
Call them over and pay them.
The last to come to the vineyard
received one penny.
But those who were there first
also received one penny.
And they started complaining.
Sir, they said,
that's not fair.
Those who only worked one hour
are getting as much as us,
and we slaved away all day in the heat.
And the landowner said:
did you agree to one penny?
Yes, sir, they said.
And did you receive your penny?
Yes, sir, they said. Well, he said,
what is there to discuss?
If I want to give those
who arrived last the same as you,
that's my affair. Are you cross at me
for being kind-hearted?
What does this parable tell us?
Firstly, that we cannot go back
on our given word.
that we mustn't be jealous.
Jealousy is so ugly.
If you are jealous
of what someone else earns,
that is ugly.
That's no way to live.
It eats away at you.
And thirdly,
that in the eyes of Our Lord,
and you all realised
that the landowner was Our Lord,