Witte, De

by the scum that do nothing themselves
The Wallonians die in misery
amid coal and steel,

their bosses earn the dough
And I sing a song
in the language of the workers...

I think they're a lot of troublemakers.
- D'you think so?

You can see they are.
Look at his hair and his clothes.

I feel like punching him in the face.
I don't sing of pain
I will complain no more,
it makes me feel small

There are so many days
in which to be happy

Today I'm here in the country air
that's much better
than within walls of stone

Did you have a good time?
- Yes. Is something the matter?

Did you have enough money
to stay there so long?

Give that money back.
- Why d'you do it?

I've only got two.
- Wheedling money out of your brother

and then saying you haven't got any.
It can't go on like this.

Go to you room and stay there.
- It's always the same here.

It's always my fault.
I get more beatings than meals.

I'm fed up.
I'm going to end it.

No. Don't do that. Don't do it.
