Absence of Malice

For those of you who are new in town,
his old man -

- handled liquor,
did a little loan-sharking -

- and kept the longshoremen out of Miami
for damn near 15 years.

If he'd been aliVe,
he'd haVe been suspect number one.

Since he's dead, he can't be involved.
Big Tommy had a stroke in '67 -

- and brought Mike down
to run the family store.

Word is little Mike's clean.
I don't buy it. I want to find out.

Meersma, IRS gets his last six years.
Work it like it was a net worth case.

I want to know every nickel he's got.
I want to know his mortgage
and his car payments.

Mac, you crawl over his union stuff.
Bob, the bureau gets the rest.

Friends, neighbours, the butcher's shop.
I want to know where he was, when Diaz
went away. Let him know we're in town.

Hi, Bob. How come the streets aren't safe?
- Youths. DisadVantaged youths.
- You spent all morning at the moVies?

What movies?
The Gallagher funeral.
Donna said you might show it to me.

- Donna's on her way out.
- Take it easy. She didn't do anything.

- What are you doing for lunch?
- Sorry. I'Ve got a date.

- Browsky's under arrest.
- What for?

- I sent him to a homicide.
- Did you hear them yelling at me?

Rosie! Line four!
- It's the electric company.
- Why do they talk in my teeth?

It's the only way they can reach you.
- Apalachi cola.
- A-P-A-L-I...
