Absence of Malice

She just said that you were
looking at the Gallagher film.

- Well, let's forget it, okay?
- Okay.

- I'm buying.
- No, no. Put it on mine.

Did you know he has a son?

- I called you last night, I thought...
- I got in Very late last night.

- How did you know he had a son?
- I met him once. At a party.

Oh, you cut your hair.
It looks terrific.

- He seemed nice.
- Who?

- Gallagher.
- I'll tell you something out of school.

You don't want to haVe anything to do
with Mike Gallagher. Not ever.

- Especially not now.
- Why not now? You gonna bust him?

- He's already been busted.
- For what?

For assaulting a federal officer.
Are you getting off on gangsters now?

What's the matter with you?
Let's talk about something else.
Can I buy you dinner?

I'm busy. I just wanted to make sure
you didn't send Donna off to Siberia.

- That's all, huh?
- Come on...

Let me know if you want me
to quit asking. I don't wanna be a jerk.

You're not a jerk.
- The strike force is on to something.
- Must be an accident. What?

A guy by the name of Michael Gallagher.
Son of a bootlegger, Tommy Gallagher.

- What have they got on him?
- I don't know.

It must haVe something to do with Diaz.
That's all they're working on.

Supposedly he sells liquor.
He's got a warehouse on the channel.

- It makes sense, a longshoreman.
- I haven't got it yet.

Can you work Quinn?
I'm not sure he knows. He's the DA,
but Rosen runs the strike force.

How about Rosen?
Christ, if he said word one,
it'd be the first time.
