Absence of Malice

- What can I do for you?
- Where did this story come from?

- I can't tell you that.
- Who can?

If you want the matter clarified,
speak to the goVernment.

I already spoke to it...
It's not talking.

Were you involved
in Joey Diaz's disappearance?

- No.
- Can you proVe that you weren't?

- I don't haVe to do that.
- Why are you being inVestigated?

- I don't know. That's why I'm here.
- Have you ever met Mr Diaz?

- You write about everybody?
- Everybody we find out about.

What do you write about when it's over
and the guy's innocent?

They never tell us
when the investigation is over.

To the best of our knowledge,
our story is true.

We appreciate your coming in to talk
to us, but there's nothing we can do.

We haVe an obligation
to report such things.

- You're obliged to tell the truth?
- Of course.

If you want to know what's true,
how come you don't talk to me?

I tried to reach you.
There was no answer.

- You should haVe called back.
- This isn't getting us anywhere.

Is there anything else
we can do for you?

- Are we inVestigating Mike Gallagher?
- We?

The Justice Department, remember?
Where you worked
before you went into politics?

Smart, Elliott.
That's why they move you so much.

It says we're inVestigating Mike
Gallagher. Says he's a Diaz suspect.

Well, what is he suspected of?
- Stop screwing around.
- I run the strike force, okay?

And I run the DA's office!
I want to know
what the hell you're doing.
