Absence of Malice

- No calls.
- Peters, Committee for a Better Miami.

Hi, Jerr. How's the golf?
Listen, I tried,
but I just can't do both. It's too far.

Please tell them, remarks, no speech.
See if I can do cocktails at one,
dinner at the other, okay? Thanks, buddy.

Joey Diaz was an honest guy.
He would run a decent local.

Some creeps made him disappear.
Six months and we're nowhere!

We beat our brains out talking to people
and get zip. We're looking like dopes.

We've got $50,000 on the street
and don't get a postcard. I need help.

- So you're squeezing Gallagher?
- You got somebody better?

He's Tommy Gallagher's kid.
He's Santos Malderone's nephew.

His old man dealt booze to every hood.
They kept the union out for 15 years.

He knows those people.
He can get to them if he wants to.

Is he clean?
I'm not trying to convict him,
just to get some information.

Gallagher's just getting squeezed a little.
You got him under surveillance too?
You think he knows anything?

He can find out if he wants to.
I'm trying to make him want to.

- I still don't like it.
- Worried about the ACLU endorsement?

- You wanna be a cowboy, go to New York.
- You'll get the credit if we nail somebody.

I want you to talk to him first.
GiVe him a chance to cooperate.

Then investigate him if you have to,
but no harassment.

If he goes along and we nail the
Diaz people, you might get elected...

Hey, Mike!
Take 12 Bacardi Silver
and 16 Bittersweet out to ''The Lullaby''.

Mike to the office.
You've got visitors.
