Absence of Malice

No, I don't mean jail. I mean,
when did you get out of bootlegging?

- I never got into it.
- Why not? It sounds lucratiVe.

It's against the law.
- Aren't you hot in that?
- No, thanks a lot.

So you were never in the business?
- That's right. You sorry?
- Are you?

Yeah, sometimes. When business is bad.
- Then you were tempted?
- I had no choice. My old man said no.

When he said no, it was no.
You look as though you're uncomfortable.

No, this is very lightweight.
You have a record.
Yeah. Assaulting a federal officer.
The FBI came to my old man's funeral.
They brought cameras.

They came to the church, they came to
the cemetery, so I slugged one of them.

What else do you want to know?

As much as you wanna tell me.
I really want to be fair about this.

- One of those upfront ladies, huh?
- I try to be.

Who's the guy in the Volkswagen?
And who the hell am I talking to?

Oh, shit.
- What do we do now?
- Eat.
