- This is good. What is it?
- It's a Bordeaux. Pontet-Latour.
- What do you call this?
- Salad.
I'm a reporter! What did you expect?
Don't try to make me feel guilty.
You think I had something to do with Diaz?
It's a distinct possibility.
- Why are they picking on you?
- Where did that story come from?
''Knowledgeable sources'', you said.
Now who is that?
Somebody's trying to get to me.
Somebody with no face and no name.
You're the gofer. You listen to them,
you write what they say -
- and then you help them hide.
You say you'Ve got a right to do that.
And I got no right
to know who they are.
I'm sorry, Gallagher. I can't help you.
- How old are you?
- 34.
How come you're not married?
How come you don't wear a ring?
- Haven't you ever heard of liberation?
- Most of them are ugly.
Is that supposed to be a compliment?
If they clear you,
I'll write about that too.
What page? You say somebody's guilty,
everybody believes you.
- You say he's innocent, nobody cares.
- That's not the paper's fault.
- People believe whatever they want to.
- Who puts out the paper?
If you knew I was going to write
about you, why did you do all this?
- I'm a publicity hound.
- Why the boat, the picnic, everything?
I didn't want you running out of a
restaurant before I got some answers.