I want you to think about the editing.
You're a good newspaperwoman, Meg.
And if you delete ''newspaper''?
I like you all right.
Your meeting. Your agenda.
I want a deal.
What have you got in mind?
Whatever I find out, you get.
After that you're on your own.
None of this federal witness stuff.
I want to stay in town, -
- I don't want to testify and I don't
want to deal with anybody except you.
- Why with me?
- Maybe I don't trust this guy Rosen.
- What do we do for you?
- The investigation is over. Now!
I want you to make a statement
clearing me and I want it in the papers.
- What can you come up with?
- Well, it's more than you've got.
We don't clear people.
We don't comment
until somebody's been indicted.
Someone sure as hell
talked about this one.
Does Waddell go with that newspaperlady
that wrote about me?
Megan Carter? They used to see each
other. I don't think they do anymore.
- Who knows you're here?
- Nobody.
- What happens to me if this leaks?
- We can protect you.
Oh, yeah. Sure.