Absence of Malice

- Like hell you are!
- Okay, let's call Washington.

- And say what?
- You say whatever you want.

I'm gonna say
you're running a bogus investigation -

- and are trying to coerce a private
citizen into becoming a federal witness.

You knew what I was doing.
I should haVe stopped you then.
I'm going to stop you now.

You want to join me in a statement?
No thanks. They're your cards.
You play them.

I have a Very short statement to read.
The Organized Crime and Racketeering
Strike Force has recently completed -

- an investigation of Michael Gallagher
regarding his possible inVolVement -

- in the disappearance of Joseph Diaz
and has found no grounds -

- to proceed against Mr Gallagher.
Because this investigation was
inadVertently reported in the press, -

- it is the feeling of this office that
it should acknowledge its conclusion.

- I don't get it.
- Quinn blew the whistle on both of us.

- I don't get it.
- Quinn blew the whistle on both of us.

You went after the wrong guy.
I wrote about it.

- What the hell's going on?
- Good question. You should join the FBI.

- I don't know either.
- It doesn't make any sense.

- You got any ideas?
- Sure. Early retirement.

I got a couple.
I want 24-hour surveillance on Gallagher.

I want taps on Gallagher's warehouse,
Gallagher at home, Quinn's house.

Wait a minute. Where are we gonna
find a judge who'll let us tap Quinn?

I'm not gonna ask a judge.
- It's no good in court.
- I'm not in court. Not yet.

You really think Gallagher bought him?
I don't know.
Do you think he's for sale?

- Mr Gallagher?
- Yeah?

A letter from The Standard.
