- and the right to retain counsel.
I inform them further that anything
they say during the course of this...
This inquiry, may be taken down
and used against them.
- Anybody here want a lawyer?
- No.
Miss Carter, you brought your own.
Mr Gallagher, do you want a lawyer?
- No.
- Good. No more room in here anyway.
Anybody wanna read the paper?
It says, ''strike force inVestigating
a DA suspecting bribes''.
It's the damnedest story you ever read.
Nobody in this department
ever read a story quite like that.
I'll tell you what we're gonna do.
We're gonna sit here and talk about it.
If you get tired of talking here,
Mr Elving Patrick there -
- will hand you a subpoena and we'll
go talk in front of the grand jury.
We'll talk all day if you want to.
But come sundown, there's gonna be
two things true that ain't true now.
One is that the United States
Department of Justice is gonna know -
- what in the good Christ, excuse me,
Angie, is going on around here.
And the other's I'm gonna
have somebody's ass in my briefcase.
EIVing, hand whichever one
of these fellas you like a subpoena.
We'll go talk in front of the grand jury.
- Gallagher's a government witness.
- Wonderful thing, subpoena.
He's working on Diaz, reporting to me.
Your arrangements include
campaign contributions?
I'm talking about $9,000.
Cashier's checks. It's all in the file.
- What file?
- Rosen's inVestigation file.
- No inVestigation without a file, Jim.
- Let me see that.
It says you met with Gallagher
and didn't report it.