It ain't legal.
And worse than that, by God,
it ain't right.
I can't stop you, but I can stop them.
Where do the stories come from?
Under the first amendment
my client is not required...
That's a lot of horse-pucky.
The first amendment doesn't say that.
Do you understand I can ask you these
questions in front of a grand jury?
And if you don't answer,
you can go to jail.
I know it's possible.
It's more than possible, Miss Carter.
It's damn likely.
I ain't anxious to be locking up
reporters, but I'll tell you something.
- I don't like what's going on.
- May I say something, please?
I don't want to go to jail.
But this has got to stop some place.
A lot of damage has been done.
I'm responsible for a lot of it.
I know that.
I don't know. I keep thinking
there must be some rules -
- to tell me
what I'm supposed to do now.
But... maybe not.
The person who told me about
the Quinn investigation was not leaking it.
They did not intend for it
to be printed. I did that on my own.
I'm scared to death of going to jail,
but if I tell you, -
- then you'll have to do something
about it and someone else will be hurt.
It's really very simple.
I can hurt someone or not hurt someone.
No rules.
Just... me.
I can't tell you.