
Gavrila Gavsha and Fyodor Koshka,
from whom were to come
Russia's 17 ruling families.

The first Russian czar
of the Romanov dynasty

was Mikhail Fyodorovich,
who came to the throne in 1613.

The seventeenth and last Romanov
czar was Nicholas II.

He was born in 1868.
His father was Alexander III.
His mother, Princess Dagmar
of Denmark,

who in Russia took the name
of Marie Fyodorovna.

He was privately tutored
at the palace.

In 1894, he married
the German Princess
Alix of Hesse,

who became the Czarina
Alexandra Fyodorovna.

Nicholas II succeeded to
the throne in 1894.

The coronation festivities were
marred by the Khodynka,

a bloody trampling on people
in Khodynka meadow in Moscow.

In the course of its 300-year
history, the Romanov dynasty

had survived many upheavals:
the peasant insurrections led
by Razin and Pugachev,

the Decembrist uprising,
the Narodnaya Volya movement,

and the revolution of 1905.
However, never before had
the future

looked so ominous
for the royal family.

Nothing short of a miracle
could save the situation.
