How lightly you use this word.
Not at all lightly, Ivan Loginovich.
Only we must suppress these
actions, and do it rapidly...
Men must be punished
if they disobey,
harsher censorship must be
all revolutionaries must be tried,
especially the Bolsheviks!
The Duma has to be dissolved now!
It's time for making decisions,
Your Majesty!
The country is boiling over,
Your Majesty.
However, all these measures
will only precipitate disaster...
We must pacify people.
The stick, always the stick.
We have to make some concessions.
Mercy and tolerance,
that's what we need.
We have to maneuver, but wisely.
Of course, this is not the rebellion
of 1905, but the situation's grave.
But on one point I agree -
you have to make your decision.
A.A. Polivanov,
Minister of War
During military operations
at the Riga beachhead,
soldiers of the 2nd Siberian Division
refused to engage in combat.