Do not abandon, O Lord,
their nest and keep it safe,
especially the little fledgling,
the young czarevitch.
Protect him, Lord,
and the Grand Duchesses.
Bless them and give them
handsome and high-born husbands.
Shelter the Emperor, give him
the vision to reject hypocrites,
support him
in his solitude,
give him the wisdom
and feed him well...
Not disease or famine,
neither war nor pestilence...
The Pharisees shall all burn
in the fires of Gehenna!
Do you hear me?
The Czarina, the martyr...
She's a saint... a true saint...
We'll push back the enemies!
Our Orthodox victory shall go on!
The Seraphs will come!
With their trumpets! O Lord!
Deliver Mother Russia! I've
bartered my soul for her salvation...
Oh Lord! Holy Father!
What is it?
Tell us! What is it?