But this offensive means
a huge redeployment of troops
which to say the least would be
difficult at this time.
In that region, the enemy
has a superior advantage.
M.V. Alexeyev,
Chief of Staff
Then let our fate be in the hands
of Providence.
Your Majesty, the marshes
will not disappear.
A.A. Brussilov, Commander
of South-Western Front
We can only advance there at
the speed of one verst per hour.
The soldiers are walking in muck
up to their bellies.
The Germans pick them off
like mosquitoes.
The gun-carriers' wheels are in
water, the hot meals never arrive.
To subject the army to these
conditions is madness!
And what's the opinion of
my general on the Western front?
A.E. Evert,
Commander of the Western Front
I'll obey all Your Majesty's
to the last drop of blood.
Seems to me your casualty rate
has been increasing
most dramatically.
What do you mean, "dramatically"?
Up to fifty percent. What's even
worse, we've lost the finest officers.
Mikhail Vassilievich, we lost
even better ones.
That's what war is about.
There's still time to revise
the orders, Your Majesty.