
Look here, you old crock, why did
you throw the good man in prison?

Is he a horse thief or something?
He's had three decorations!
You can't arrest such a hero!

I'm not the Minister of
the Interior...

You've been made Prime Minister
so that you'd run things our way.

- But I've been sick.
- A sick man is no good to us.

Better give him a decent burial.
That's what I'll say to Mama.

I don't want to listen to you,
you senile old fossil.

I beg you, hear me out...
We must select a new prime

who is more loyal, devoted.
- Who do you mean by we?
- You!

And who is more loyal?
Could it be you?

Quiet, all of you!
I wrote it..."My eye has fallen
on you. Grigory."

Who do we send it to? Tell me!
To Dobrovolsky.
The best man for Prime Minister
would be Protopopov.

I'll put a cross.
Who you want it sent to?

- To Golitsyn.
- Or even better, to Trepov.

Where's Annoushka?
Go and get Annoushka Vyrubova!
Lidka, go and find Vyrubova!

- Ahh! No! No!
- Go get her, good soul.
