Some pre-Prohibition booze, huh?
No. I seen the stripper
gettin' dressed.
A stripper gettin' dressed ain't pretty
unless she's ugly to begin with.
She was not ugly to begin with!
She was like a rose.
A rose?
- How old are you anyhow, kid?
- Almost 20. How old are you?
Not so old.
I know. When we first met,
I thought you were an old man.
Now, older I get,
younger you get.
Amazing, ain't it?
Pretty soon
we'll be just the same.
Yeah? Then what?
Then we start callin' me "kid."
You want this girl, kid?
So go get her.
- Right now?
- Right now.
In this business, you wait five minutes,
she'll be older than both of us. Go on.