Quiet? He would have been
a lot quieter dead.
And so now you agreed
to talk to us.
This country's been good
to me in its way.
'"I took," my son said.
So, now it's time to give back.
I can't believe it.
That schmuck is gonna sing!
Sure. That's all he ever wanted.
Last night I discussed the Communists
in the State Department.
Dean hunched his muscular neck,
T-shirted in the winter night.
We're fighting for time.
The young men in Korea and Japan
are fighting for time for us.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg have paid
their debt to society with their lives.
Pat doesn't have a mink coat...
but she does have a respectable
Republican cloth coat.
Ethel, how could you ever think up
a sneaky scheme like that?
I saw the best minds of
my generation destroyed by madness.
Starving, hysterical, naked,
dragging themselves...
through the negro streets at dawn
lookin' for an angry fix.
Angel-headed hipsters...
burning for the ancient
heavenly connection...
to the starry dynamo
in the machinery of night.
Tony, so what's he talkin' about?
Do you have any idea?
Shut up.
Geez, we're underage.
This place could get busted any minute.
And I happen to know some
of these people are smokin' drugs.
Shut up!
Instead of smoking in the supernatural
darkness of cold-water flats...
floating across
the tops of cities...
contemplating jazz.
- I'm goin', Tony.
- Go.
So how you gonna get home?