Hey, Di Noble,
what are you doin'?
- Thinkin'.
- Thinkin' of what?
Clean thoughts.
Then how come my dishes
are dirty?
Well, them poor
dumb little bastards.
They never learned the power
of positive thought.
I thought you said
you was a dishwasher.
I'm a dishwasher.
My hands is
permanently puckered!
But you know what?
The thrill is gone.
That's what happens
when you turn pro.
Even that first batch of suds...
that first spraying of Palmolive
over troubled waters...
that first plunge
through the foam...
that first hopeful fish
for a dish...
It is gone, Charley.
And I think it's time...
that I'm movin' on.
Where ya gonna go, Tony?
Where else can a man go
that needs elbow room?
And what the hell
you need elbow room for?
I'm thinkin' of takin' up
the accordion.
Hey, you're not gonna make it
in this business, Tony.
Ya can't sing.
You play guitar like a duck.
That's 'cause my hands
is permanently puckered!
And, anyway, this is California.
There ain't no further west
to go.