American Pop

That's all he taught me.
Well, come on up anyway.
Hey, come on over
and sit down.

Yeah. How ya doin'?
Hey, try some of this.
Did ya ever get high before?

Only when I can afford it.
How often is that?
Hey, you think
you can find that hobo?

You sing?
You play guitar?
Everybody plays guitar, man.
Everybody plays the guitar.
Hey, man, well,
what do you do?

- I write songs.
- All right!

Words or music?
Words. I don't know nothin'
about no music.

We can see that.
Why don't you bring some over?
All right!
I got 'em at home.

- Where's that?
- North Beach.

North Beach?
Nobody lives in North Beach anymore.

Nobody lives in North Beach.
Run on out and get 'em.
Bring 'em over.

Yeah, okay. It'll take me a while
'cause I gotta walk.

Walk? You gotta walk?
Take the bus.
All right.
