Perhaps you'd like me to
wash your dick for you. . .
. . .you little shit.
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better not pout
l'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town
Hobson, this is Arthur.
Yes! How delightful
to hear from you.
How about a pitcher of martinis?
No, thank you.
l'm not going
to face my father sober.
lf you don't bring them
l'll have someone else do it!
l'll bring them.
-Say goodbye.
He treats me like a kid.
You know, Arthur. . .
. . .your father is going
to demand that you marry Susan.
l don't care what he demands.
Stay with me a minute, Hobson.
You know l hate to be alone.
Yes. Bathing is a lonely business.
Except for fish.
l beg your pardon?
Did you say ''except for fish''?
Fish all bathe together.
Although they do tend
to eat one another.
l often think. . .
. . .fish must get
awfully tired of seafood.
What are your thoughts, Hobson?
Pardon me. . . .