l don't want you to be alone.
l'll never be alone.
l have you.
lsn't life wonderful, Hobson?
Yes, Arthur, it is.
Do your armpits.
A hot bath is wonderful!
Girls are wonderful!
lmagine how wonderful
a girl who bathes would be!
Get dressed!
l hate it here.
Of course you hate it.
People work here.
Here, read this magazine.
There are many pictures.
Look how nobody ever smiles here.
Why doesn't anybody ever smile here?
They smile at lunchtime.
Lower your voice, Arthur.
And sit up.
Stop being so nervous.
Later on, we'll get ice cream.
Your father will see you now.
Come on, Hobson.
He wants to see you alone.
He gets all that money.
Pays his family back
by being a stinking drunk.
lt's enough to make you sick.
l really wouldn't know, sir.
l'm just a servant.
On the other hand. . .
. . .go screw yourself.
The press has a good time
with you, Arthur.
''Millionaire Drunk Playboy. ''
You're the weakest man
l've ever known!