l despise your weakness!
l'm afraid we have to talk.
l'm not going to marry her!
l've told you a thousand times!
Fine. lf that's your decision,
the family has no choice.
l'm sorry, Arthur, very sorry.
But as of this moment, you are. . .
. . .cut off.
You mean cut off from. . .
. . .you and Grandmother
and the family?
So you mean cut off
from the. . . .
You don't mean cut off from the--
The money, Arthur.
Your grandmother and l have had
all the papers drawn up.
We want this marriage, Arthur.
l want it. Burt Johnson wants it.
Burt Johnson!
He's a criminal!
We all are, Arthur.
And as you know. . .
. . .we usually get what we want.
Frankly, Father,
l'd rather starve.
And l will.
l'll get married when
l fall in love.
Fine. l respect your integrity.
You've just lost
750 million dollars.
Actually, Susan is
a very nice girl.
And she'll make a wonderful wife.
Yes, wonderful.
Have you ever seen her face. . .
. . .when the light
catches it just right?
She's really quite beautiful.
Of course, you can't depend
on that light.
The wedding is a month from today.
The invitations will be
mailed tonight.
Ever taste her chicken?
She does spectacular
things with a chicken.
And l love a chicken made at home.
This is the ring your grandfather
gave to your grandmother.