That was an interesting kiss.
-You kiss your wife like that?
-l'm not married.
Keep smiling. 688-5549.
Don't expect big things
on the first date.
Yes, it's been a distinct
pleasure meeting you.
Arthur, we really must be going.
Thank you for
a memorable afternoon.
Usually one must go to a bowling alley
to meet a woman of your stature.
Wouldn't it be funny
if he called me?
Arthur, l see no reason
for prolonging this conversation.
Unless you're planning. . .
. . .to knock over a fruit stand
later in the evening.
Good luck in prison.
Who was the tie for?
A guy.
Look how he stopped smiling.
My father. lt's his birthday.
What are you doing tomorrow night?
l don't know.
l have plans for tomorrow night.
What should l wear?
Steal something casual.
-l like him.
-Likewise, l'm sure.
l'll have Bitterman
drive you home.
You don't have to do that.
Bitterman doesn't
have to take me.
l really hardly ever
take the bus, ever.
-But it's so hard to get a cab.
-Of course.
l'm sure we know a lot
of the same people.
-Get in.
Tell Bitterman where to take you.
And make sure. . .
. . .you give him your address
and phone number.
Take care of her, Bitterman.
Good afternoon!
You'd think they'd never
seen a car before.
Hey lady, where
did you get the car?
Could you children please
allow us our privacy?
Could l sit here until
one of my neighbors walks by?