Roses. Yellow.
She'll drop dead. She'll love them.
Yellow roses. Two dozen.
l think something else
would look nice too.
Red roses. With the yellow.
She won't know what hit her!
You'll be aces with her.
You're a nice boy.
Two dozen red, okay?
-Do you know what happened?
-No, l don't.
Yesterday l met her
outside Bergdorf's.
l can't stop
thinking about her!
Are you married?
Once. She's alive.
-What's that?
-A yucca plant.
-l'll take it.
-How many?
Where were you
when l was selling cars?
How did you know
when you fell in love?
How does anybody know?
l was on a train.
From Washington to New York.
What's that?
-A fern. You need five.
A girl got on the train.
Skinny. She gave me a smile.
By Baltimore, l was a dead duck.
Did you whistle a lot?
l find l whistle!
l whistled.
Did you feel funny?
l feel funny.
You may have a cold.
Send all this and anything else
you can think of to this address.
Send 2 dozen roses
to your wife.
The skinny one on the train.
Here, keep the change.
You're the rich one?
The one who drinks?
How does it feel
to have all that money?
lt feels great.
A dumb question.
What do you do?
l've never asked.
l'm an actress.
l mean, l'm studying to be one.
But l'm working as a waitress.
A lot of talented girls do that.
What's it like being a waitress?
lt's fun. l mean, you know.
This guy came in and pulled out--