A guy came into the diner
and pulled out--
-He pulled out what?
-Pulled out a gun!
l love this song!
l love it too!
When do l get a turn?
Can't you see l'm going
for a new world's record?
After only 1 2 games,
l have 80 coupons!
l knew it would be different
spending an evening with a millionaire.
Two more and l'm 20 for 20!
That's another 35 coupons!
Could we have a little quiet here?
You nut!
Look at him with his gun.
Are you cute!
God, l missed!
For 1 9, you get 1 5 coupons.
We really have to go now.
Space lnvaders!
Do you want the orange one?
Enjoy it!
Now take care of it.
l already named it!
l named it after my grandmother
on my mother's side.