-Good evening, Mr. Bach.
-Good evening, Mr. Butler.
l'm here to get engaged.
Won't you come in, sir?
How are you?
Susan! You get down here
this minute!
Miss Susan is expecting you.
She's dressing.
l will inform her you're here.
Tell her Chief lnspector Flanigan
from homicide is here.
That should get her
down in a hurry.
Nothing. Offer to take my coat.
You don't have a coat.
Well, offer to take my tie.
lt's a little joke.
Take the rest of the week off.
You're obviously
under a lot of tension.
Would you care to wait
in the library?
Yes! The bathroom is
out of the question!
That's another little joke.
Follow me, please.
l'm a little nervous.
l'm getting engaged.
You may wait in here.
Thank you!
ls there anything you
care for while you wait?
Do you have today's Pravda ?
l like to keep up with Russia.
Then fill a glass with scotch.
Are you sure you want
to be a nightclub comic?