
My daughter.
She is my gold.
-She is my treasure.
-She's very nice.

And l protect what's mine.
And l do it in an ugly way.
-l'm from the gutter.
-l understand. The gutter.

You seem upset.
Now, Susan loves you.
And l want you to make her happy.
You can count on it.
l insist upon you making her happy.
What happens. . .
. . .this is just hypothetical. . .
. . .if l don't make her happy?
Which is out of the question!

But let's just say. . .
. . .l make her. . .
. . .cranky?
For cranky, l guess you'd
probably just break my ankles.

Something like that.
You'll make her happy.
l don't like your drinking.
lt makes you unreasonable.
l want you to go to work.
Now, your father and l
talked about it. l want you. . .

. . .to work for me.
ls this it?
She's not happy already?

Susan loves you.
So l love you.
You'll find me a friend.
Don't you get it?
You can get drunk.
You can throw up.
You can forget to call me
for months.

You can't lose with me.
l know you too well.
And l'm much stronger
than you are.

l know how alone you are.
l hate how alone you are.
l've cried because
you're so alone.

Don't be afraid, Arthur.
You're never going
to be alone again.

l'll have another.
You want another fish?
