What's the matter with you?
Nobody knocks on a door
at 3:00 in the morning!
You're so drunk,
you can hardly stand up.
And you're engaged!
This is a goner.
l'm going to sleep.
You come here at 3 o'clock
in the morning to say goodbye?
l have to get up and go to work
in the morning. Stop kidding around!
Will you stop kissing me!
l'm sure you're not going
to want to be a waitress. . .
. . .for the rest of your life.
l am studying to be an actress.
-You told me.
-Well, l am.
This is for you. . .
. . .your father. . .
. . .and your acting career.
Please take it and l'll go.
$1 00,000.
We don't need your money.
Linda, it'll help you.
Look what it's done for you.