Should've said,
''a happily married woman. ''
That's my business.
-How happy l am.
-And how happy is that?
Not too smart, are you?
l like that in a man.
What else do you like? Lazy?
Ugly? Horny? l've got them all.
You don't look lazy.
Tell me, does chat like this
work with most women?
lf they haven't been around much.
l wondered. l thought
maybe l was out of touch.
-Can l buy you a drink?
-l told you, l've got a husband.
-l'll buy him one too.
-He's out of town.
My favorite kind.
We'll drink to him.
He only comes up on weekends.
l'm liking him better all the time.
Take me up on this quick.
ln 45 minutes l'll get up and go away.
Want to buy me something?
l'll take one of those.
-What kind?
Two cherries.
You're not staying in Miranda Beach.
NED: l would have noticed you.
MATTY: ls this town that small?
You're staying down in Pinehaven.
On the waterway.
-You have a house.
-How do you know that?
You look like Pinehaven.
How does Pinehaven look?
-l'm well-tended, all right.
What about you?
l need tending. l need
someone to take care of me. . .
. . .someone to rub my tired muscles,
smooth out my sheets.
Get married.
l just need it for tonight.