l'm afraid because. . .
. . .when l think about it. . .
. . .l wish he'd die.
That's really what l want.
lt's horrible and it's ugly. . .
. . .and it's what l most want.
NED: That's where we're at, isn't it?
-What do you mean?
NED: That's what we're both thinking.
How good it would be if he was gone.
No, please.
Don't talk about it.
Talk is dangerous,
makes things happen.
-lt makes them real.
NED: Don't get scared.
Because he is not going to die.
Nothing wrong with him, is there?
No reason to think he'll die?
That's right.
So we might as well forget about it.
lt's not going to just happen
to make things nice for us.
lt won't just happen.
NED: lf you leave him,
you'll do all right.
MATTTY: A divorce?
NED: Yeah, he's ripe.
No. l signed a prenuptial agreement.
-He insisted.
He blamed it on his sister, Roz.
She hates me, but he wanted it too.
-How is it?
-lt's bad.
l get some money for a year,
not much. That's it.
Does it matter, Ned?
Tell me the truth, please.
The truth!
l wish you were going to be loaded.
Does it matter? No.