MATTY: l told him we weren't selling.
That hasn't changed, has it?
No, we're very happy with it.
l can understand that.
lt's a terrific place.
Are you going in?
l was going to grab a bite.
Join us.
-No! Thanks, l don't want to interfere.
-No. Don't be silly.
We have room for three, don't we?
EDMUND: lt's great,
but you can't get near it on weekends.
-l don't get down during the week much.
NED: ls that right?
l was a lawyer.
l still am, but l don't practice.
-l went to Columbia. And you?
EDMUND: A good school.
l got bored with it quick.
l didn't have the temperament for it.
l wanted to make the money faster.
ls there a living in it here?
l can afford to send out my shirts. . .
. . .and eat here once a month
if l don't order an appetizer.
Honest lawyers don't make much
and the other kind are too slimy for me.
l'd rather be up-front
about shafting somebody.
Edmund, really!
-lt's his profession.
NED: That's all right.
l don't like it much.
Call me Ned, will you?
What's to like?
lt's the way of the world.
Most people despise their jobs.
Do you?
No, l love it.
But it's not a job.
What is it exactly?
l do various things.
This and that.
EDMUND: Here and there.
NED: You don't have to be specific.
Finance, basically.
Venture capital, real estate. . .
. . .investments.
We're into a few things.
-Around here?
Some things here.
Edmund's company owns The Breakers.
NED: Really?
EDMUND: lt's not that simple, really.
We have an interest
in a few places along the shore.
For the land, someday.
Don't try explaining it to her.