- Name, please.
- We're new.
I can see that, laddie. What's your name?
Abrahams. HM.
- Top of the list. Repton. That the one?
- That's it. Left a year ago.
- Been doing your bit, 'ave you? France?
- No. Joined too late.
Bad luck, lad.
Many a dead man
would have liked a share of it.
You're right there, son.
Welcome to Caius.
- Sign here.
- Thank you.
It's across the courtyard,
top right-hand corner, up the stairs.
By the way, what are your names?
Rogers, head porter,
and this is Mr Ratcliffe, my assistant.
Well, Mr Rogers, Ratcliffe,
I ceased to be a "laddie" when
I took up the King's commission.
- Is that clear?
- Yes... Mr Abrahams.
- Quite clear.
- Thank you.
I'd be obliged if you'd remember it.
- See you later.
- Fine.
What's your friend studying, then, son?
Barrack-room law?
I've no idea.
One thing's certain.
A name like Abrahams, he won't be
in the chapel choir, now, will he?
- Name?
- Montague.
- What?
- Montague.