I take the war list
and I run down it.
Name after name, which I cannot read
and which we, who are older than you,
cannot hear without emotion.
Names which will be only names to you,
the new college.
But which to us summon up face after face,
full of honesty and goodness,
zeal and vigour
and intellectual promise.
The flower of a generation.
The glory of England,
and they died for England
and all that England stands for.
And now by tragic necessity,
their dreams have become yours.
Let me exhort you. Examine yourselves.
Let each of you discover
where your true chance of greatness lies.
For their sakes,
for the sake of your college
and your country, seize this chance.
Rejoice in it
and let no power or persuasion
deter you in your task.
Thursday, October 10th, 1919.
My frst day at Cambridge was rounded off
by the freshmen's dinner, a sumptuous affair.
The master gave us a moving speech
and I'm now eagerly awaiting
the start of term proper.
Rugby club, golfing society, tennis,
squash club, flora and fauna, philately.
Is that all? You're an idle man!
- I've got to work some time.
- Try bird-watching. You can take a book.
How can I watch if I'm reading a book?
Follow in the footsteps of WG.
Any Yorkshiremen here?
I can't bat for toffee.
# Upon the batle scene
# They fight the foe together
# There every mother's son