Chariots of Fire

A distance traditionally
recognised as one of 188 paces.

I say, Abrahams, what have you got
on your feet? Rockets?

The challenge will commence on the...
- Abrahams, you haven't got a chance!
- Do it for Israel!

The challenge commences
on the stroke of one.

The challenger must finish
before the stroke of 12.

Come on, Abrahams, you swank!
Will the challenger make himself ready?
This Abrahams.
What do you know about him?

Repton chap.
- His father's a financier in the city.
- Financier?

What's that supposed to mean, I wonder?
I imagine he lends money.
And what do they say about the son?
Academically sound. Arrogant.
Defensive to the point of pugnacity.
As they invariably are.
Yet possessing
a keen sense of duty and loyalty.

Do they say he can run?
Like the wind.
Gentlemen, would you draw back, please?
Away from the course.

Thank you.
Mr Abrahams, your position, please.
Owing to the absence
of any other challenger,

Mr Abrahams will run alone.
Not so, Mr Starter!
Your name and college, if you please, sir.
Lindsay. I race beside my friend here.
We challenge in the name
of Repton, Eton and Caius.

- I didn't know you ran.
- Nor I you.

Some chap just told me about this.
I thought I'd come and push you along.

- Delighted.
- Splendid.

Good luck.
Gentlemen, to your marks, if you please.
Now remember, on the first strike of 12.
