I love and admire him.
He worships this country.
From nothing, he built what he believed
was enough to make
true Englishmen of his sons.
My brother's a doctor.
A leader in his field.
- Which one is he?
- That's me with the curls, on his back.
He wanted for nothing.
And here am I.
Setting up shop
in the fnest university in the land.
But the old man forgot one thing.
This England of his is Christian
and Anglo-Saxon.
And so are her corridors of power.
And those who stalk them
guard them with jealousy and venom.
You're right to study law.
You're quite an advocate.
A rare ethnic advantage.
It's called the gift of the gab.
So what now? Grin and bear it?
No, Aubrey.
I'm going to take them on. All of them.
One by one.
And run them off their feet.
# He is an Englishman!
# He is an Englishman
# For he himself has said it
# And it's greatly to his credit