He's a damned fool!
I always thought the Irish had all the luck!
- John, Savoy Theatre.
- Yes, sir.
Mildred, would you get my spikes?
Ready, my lord!
Now, Coote, if I shed a drop I want to know.
Touch but not spill, what?
Life slips by, Abrahams.
Life slips by.
But this fine old university of ours,
she offers some rare consolations.
Beyond measure, sir.
I can take it, then, that you would
be acutely grieved to discover
that any behaviour or action
on your part were causing her grief?
Naturally, sir. I would, deeply.
Good. I was sure of it.
Here in Cambridge, we've always
been proud of our athletic prowess.
We believe, we've always believed,
that our games are indispensable
in helping to complete
the education of an Englishman.
They create character.
They foster courage, honesty and leadership.
But most of all,
an unassailable spirit of loyalty,
comradeship and mutual responsibility.
- Would you agree?
- Yes, sir. I would.
I'm afraid there is a growing suspicion
in the bosom of this university -
and I tell you this without in any way
decrying your achievements,
in which we all rejoice -
that in your enthusiasm for success
you have perhaps lost sight
of some of these ideals.
May I ask what form
this disloyalty, this betrayal, takes?