Sir, do you think
the British team stand a chance
against such great American athletes as
Charlie Paddock and Jackson Scholz?
You Americans have a number of men
who are rated as world-beaters,
but this contest is in Europe,
not in the rarefied climes of the United States.
Parisian conditions are bound
to be more robust,
more combative and certainly more cavalier.
Lord Birkenhead,
are the Yanks so well trained
that they will wipe the floor with our boys?
Gentlemen, Abrahams, Liddell and Lindsay...
We have the men who could
give them a run for their money.
Sandy! You haven't come all the way
from Scotland just to see me off, have you?
I have not. I'm seeing myself off.
Come on, or we'll miss the boat.
Hey, Mr Liddell! What do you think
of your chances against Abrahams?
I'll do my best. Can do no less.
Mr Liddell, sir!
What about the qualifying heats on Sunday?
- What did you say?
- On Sunday!
Do you think you can beat the Americans?
There's Mr Abrahams! There he is!
- Mr Abrahams!
- Sorry, I've no time...
Hello, Jeremy.
- Gilbert and Sullivan will win.
- Thanks very much.
- Harold!
- Sybil.
- I came to wish you luck.
- I'm glad.
I understand. I wanted you to know that.
I'll be here when you come back.
Hurry along, Mr Abrahams.
She's about to sail!
I must go. I'll see you in three weeks.
Mind your step, sir.
We want you to get there in one piece.