Get out of bed, Iug.
Vanderbruck's coming.
I didn't getmy night's worth.
Just what do you want?
A husband'sgot certain rights.
Worry aboutVanderbruck.
AIways first, eh?
Youshould get thecarpenter
to fix the roof.
Butit's not the police's job.
These privies belong
to the Forestry Co.
They're your property.
The whole town uses them.
It's notjust thestink.
It's the first thing
that greets meevery morning.
Can'tyoumove them?
I can't.
Why not?
Because they're there.
WelI, that'safact.
No, nothere.
Not thereeither...
Notherenor there.
WelI, where then?
Youthink youand me aregonna...
After whatyoudid...
I did something?
''Vanderbruck'sa public menace.
''His latrines aredangerous.
''The law shouId make a move
and since l'm the Iaw,
those privies
wilI begone in a week.''
That's whatl said.
Youchickened out.
He pissed alIover you!
Listen, ass-Iickers like you...