- Listen...
- July 17, remember?
Youdon't loveme.
No, l don'tIove you.
Hear that?
I don'thear athing.
MarcailIou's beating
his wife again.
Someday he'Il kiIl her.
I musthave water in my ears.
Now l can hear.
He's giving the poor kid
a badtime.
Youwon't stop him?
Sure, l'mgoing.
How much?
- Can't find it.
- Next time.
I hatedebts.
Seems to beover.
Yes, it wouId seem so.
My little Rose, Rosette.
Where'd the bastard go?
That way.
I'mtoo late.
I came running when l heard.
He broke my bag.
Whata bastard.
There, there, my Rosette,
my Rosalie.
Putyour hand between my Iegs...
In thestreet?
I wanna look loved.
It'saIl over now.