Getup, Lucien.
What is it?
Goanswer thedoor.
Geta moveon.
They'lIwake Nono.
And if it's athief?
You're the law, moron.
He's playing dumb.
Putyour pants on.
By the way, dear...
did you by chance find
some banknotes...
thatmight'veslipped out
of my pocket?
Look... with this war
brewing out there,
I do have provisions to make.
Stay caIm, my sweet.
I amcaIm. Hurry up.
Did youdo it?
Did l do what?
Answer me, for chrissake!
Youact like l kilIed someone.
Then youdidn't do it?
What? KilI someone?
Whatan idea!
Youscared me.
Oneshot kiIls thirst,
two, worms, three, death.
PauIo scaredtheshit outta me.
Hesaid your kilIingthose pimps
wouId putme in a bind.