Youcouldn't even hurtafly.
Butyoubelieved it.
Ithought''Stupid as he is,
he might takeme seriously.''
As if youcould steer me wrong.
I can makedistinctions.
I cameouthere tosave you.
Can I bunk here?
I hate tosay no,
but there's no room.
Is thehoteIfar?
It'scIosed on account
of epidemic.
Where, then?
WelI, you couId...
no, you wouldn't sIeep.
Just try me.
Notata brotheI...
EspecialIy with girls...
of topgrade...
alI French and very young.
How young?
Oneof them...
isn't even 14.
Christ...andthe law?
Niggergirls fuck at 12...
Yeah, whitegirls
can't be Ieft out.
- Youbet.
- Is it far?
WelI, there are thosedamn pimps...
Youleave'em to me.
They're probabIy
off getting smashed.
Yeah, they'lI beoutalI night.
But they stiIl scare thegirls.
Youmightnot getin.
I beg your pardon there...
OId Marcel Chavasson
wasn'tborn yesterday.
I'IlteIl 'em l've seen
to their twoshits
and that they won'thurtafIy now.
You'rejust too much,
MarceI... briIliant...
All alone in my empty room