I'vehad worse than your pimps.
And whered'you thinkthey are...
In jail?
Someday you'Il learn
acoffin costs the state
less than a man in aceIl, oId chum.
Bartali beatVerwaeck
at Briancon by 17 minutes.
He pledged his bike toChrist.
If youneed a hand
with your pimps, calI me...
...if they come back.
Why shouIdn't they?
CouId bedead.
Why dead?
CouId've been kiIled.
And you'd be a suspect.
Why, you advertised it.
I never said l kilIed them.
I said I gave 'em a Iesson.
A black eye isa lesson.
BuIletin the head's a Iesson, too.
Same word.
I never even seen 'em.
Of course -they couldn'tbe there.
Then youdid kiIlthem?
Now doI look like
I could do that?
Butyou, after alI yousaid...
If their bodies ever popped up,
I wouIdn't want
to be in your shoes.
Youheard right, Marcel.
AIl you can do now is pray...
If they aredead,
hope they're never found.
Youdon'thave todoathing
tomake folks think youdid.
Put thatin your pipe!