Don't say that.
I only wanna liftyour dress.
Maybe you couId just take it off
and Ietme see thosenice things...
Just slide it over your shoulders,
Oh, heIl - let'sdo it.
Whatare youdoing?
I only wanted to telI you...
TelI me later. Quick, love.
Ithink l'd better teIl you before.
Now comeon, I wantyou.
But something happened
Heshould only croak...
That's justit.
His insides gotaired out.
He tripped over his gun.
He's dead?
when I gave hima dozen
or so kicks in the balIs...
No kidding!
Sorry I wasn't there to see
that shitpilecroak.
I'd haveenjoyed...
ramming a poker up hisass.
Comenow, Rose,
a IittIe respect for thedead.
YourealIy shouIdn't
use such fouI Ianguage.
It's impolite.
He taughtmehowto be impolite.
I was weIl behaved
until I met the fucker.
Why don'tyoutake your sIipoff?
I'd rather you do it.
Oh yes, feeI me alIover...
I'm coming...
Mustbe thegood news.
The soupsmelIsgood.
It's just bean soup,