Dropme before the vilIage.
Wait, Father.
Dohelpme, yes.
Termites. They aIready
ate twocrosses.
Goodthing the Christ's
cast iron, eh?
That should hold it.
Rose is here. Benice.
She's anxious abouther husband.
Is he sick?
Worse, maybe.
What's wrong, my dear?
I'm worried aboutMarcaiIlou.
He wenthunting with his dog.
With his dog.
Thedog, yes.
Thedog came home alone.
Hls dog.
Yeah, hisdog.
Hls dog, Spot.
Yeah, Spot...
with thestripedown the middle.
All alone.
Maybehegota beating, no?
It doesn'tprove athing.
Maybehe had an accident.
Oh, an accident.
Who's talking aboutaccidents...
ButSpotain'thad noaccident
as he's come home.