I mightkilI him by mistake.
Let's getyou that gun.
- ReaIly?
- Sure. Comeon.
That's agood one.
A pastor's wife
shother husband with it?
Oh yes!
Have anything bigger?
A club?
No, very frightening.
Very, very frightening.
A gas mask.
HoId it.
I'Il never use it.
Younever know.
You'vegotan idea in your head.
NotataIl, l swear.
I do things without thinking.
Later I understand.
I never pIan ahead.
You're weird sometimes.
You'renot scared
I might shootyousomeday?
FirstIearn to shoot.
Then l'lI bescared.
Morning. Did we wake you?
Yousee whatI see?
See you Iater.
- FolIowing him?
- Nothim. The Iadder.