So it gets rusty, too.
Mustbe theclimate.
WiIl ithappen tome?
You? No.You'redifferent.
Notbecause you're prettier...
than Rose...
She's my girl, Rose.
But with you...
it comes from inside.
Grabs you by theheart...
like in a vice...
and doesn'tIet go.
When l Iook atyou...
I'm iIl at ease.
Butl can'tkeepaway from you.
Do you understand that?
Even if we kiss,
it won'tmake it simpIer.
- Bye. CarefuIwith the pistoI.
- Don't worry.
Stop it, Nono!
And if l pretend too?
It was that or jaiI.
Leave NonoaIone.
Rose is waiting for you.
Kissingthe bitch makes me sick.
I'Iltry to watch whatI say.
What is it, sweet?
Why, nothing.
Ifigured as much.
I'm a bit tired...
not enough sIeep.
The schooIteacher's cute.