I sawher on themoviescreen,
in siIhouette.
Youboth lookedfine in silhouette.
YouweresweIl, together.
She's not thatkind.
She's toogood for you?
- And you're right for me?
- Listen...
Having youis an honor...
KilIing my husbandfor love.
No, l was just getting rid of trash.
The trash aIso happened
to be your husband.
There'sa lot of trash around.
There'lI be less and Iess...
had to start somewhere.
YoukiIled him on account of me.
Letme just goon thinkingthat.
Youtake your time.
I'm coming.
They aIl want to preventme
from sleeping.
I'm worn out...
What's wrong?
What's with you?
- Vicious nag...
- Are you hurt?
He kicked me in the privates.
- Come with me.
- I'Il go home.
I'Ilfix youup.
I'Il seea doctor.
NotIike that.
Are you sure?
Yes. Can youwaIk?
Just barely.
No bruises.
Butithurts like heIl.
Doesn't take much
in thatpart.
Here? Or here?
You're toosoft.
I am not soft.
Touch me anywhere.